Wednesday 21 December 2016

End Of Year Roundup & Survey

Our end-of-the-year BiPhoria Bulletin is out now, rounding up some of the things we got up to in 2016 and wider bi life through the year.

There's a little survey about the group and the e-bulletins too; if you have either been to BiPhoria or intend to come along some time in the future, please do take a couple of minutes to fill it in!

Read it here...

Sunday 4 December 2016

The December Newsletter

Our December newsletter is out, complete with Canal Street's Christmas lights.

It's here.

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Looking Forward To November

Our latest e-newsletter is out, with news about Christopher Biggins' biphobia, BiCon 2017, Jen getting the MBE and more.

Of course it had all the bi meetup dates for the weeks ahead too.

Read it here

Saturday 1 October 2016

Here's October after an amazing #BiWeek

Our latest e-newsletter reports on a cracking pair of fundraisers for the group, Bi Vis Day, Bolton Pride and much more... and looks forward to events coming up in October including Chester Pride.

Read it here

Monday 19 September 2016

Bi Visibility Week 2016

It's #BiWeek this week and Bi Visibility Day this Friday. There's loads going on in Manchester and the North West as well as further afield.

Read more here (or subscribe to our email bulletins!)

Friday 2 September 2016

That was Pride... Here comes Bi Visibility Day!

Our latest email newsletter is out with upcoming bi meets for September, news of Bi Visibility Day and Prides coming up including Chester and Bolton.

Monday 22 August 2016

Manchester Pride: Final Plans

Our latest newsletter is landing in email in-boxes now, with news of our plans for Manchester Pride on the Bank Holiday weekend.

We also look ahead to a special bi meeting in September, Bi Visibility Day events and the photo from BiCon Preston.

Read it here:

Monday 1 August 2016

It's Pride Month!

The first of our two August news bulletins is out now - featuring BiCon and EuroBiCon as well as the busiest month of Pride Season with Manchester's big weekend coming up in just four weeks' time.
Read it here:

(There'll be another edition before Pride with more details on where and when to meet)

Friday 1 July 2016

July: bi TV, meetups and more!

The July edition of our monthly newsletter is out now - with bisexuality on television and news of our upcoming meetups
There's also a brief lookback at a month that included the highs of Volunteer Week and our Convenor Jen being awarded the first MBE for Services to the Bisexual Community, and the lows of the Orlando killings and the Brexit vote that threatens future progress on bi and LGBT equalities.

Read it all here:

Wednesday 1 June 2016

June's here, and here's the North West's bi news...

Our latest edition of our newsletter is out, with all the bi events listings you need plus a bi writers' meeting, the best of bi books and more bi meets coming up across the Pennines in Yorkshire.

The newsletter is here:

Sunday 1 May 2016

Into May

The May edition of our monthly news bulletin is out now.

Read it here:

Wednesday 6 April 2016

April's Manchester Bi News

Our April bulletin has been landing in people's email inboxes and here it is on a web page. With news of the Bi Book Awards, bi songs, bisexual meetups in Manchester and more

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Here's March!

A new month, a new BiPhoria Bulletin with bi news from Manchester and further afield.

Here's the new edition, with news of bi meets, BiCon, Big Bi Fun Day, and more.

Somehow in putting it together our next outreach stall got missed off. Ooops!

Monday 1 February 2016

Our January missive

Here's the BiPhoria Bulletin for the end of January: with outreach stalls, bi meetups, Tom Robinson, LGBT History Month, and more.